
palais (fr)

magazin de palais de Tokyo

#30 - future, ancient, fugitive - a French scene

The issue 30 of the magazine PALAIS is published on the occasion of the exhibition “Future, Former,Fugitive,” presented at Palais de Tokyo from 16 October 2019 to 5 January 2020. This exhibition
devoted to a French scene is based on an open view of belonging to a land and it escapes from the effects of a tabula rasa dictating that one generation eclipses another. It unites a good forty artists
born between the 1930s and the 1990s, but who all live and work in and within their era.

Featured in issue 30
A vast interview brings together the many voices of the artists in the exhibition. It pays attention to the contexts in which their practices have developed and attempts to draw up a (necessarily fragmentary) panorama of what nourishes, influences and inspires their work. This interview is illustrated by over two hundred images of works.

As well as six originals essays:
–A text by the curatorial team presents the issues of the exhibition and offers a thread leading through it.
–“An Artist is Always More than an Artist” by Laurent Jeanpierre who offers a socio-economic study of artists’ lives and the ways of being an artist in France today.
–“Robinson and the Fugitives” by Éric Mangion who examines the way in which a young generation of artists turns aside and moves off the beaten track so as to invent new ways of making art and sharing
–“Bacchus and Electricity” by Jill Gasparina who she sketches out a history of the both conflictual and fertile relations between the sciences, technologies and art in France.
–“Interface Massage” by Elsa Boyer who studies the intimate, bodily and emotional relationships which we develop on contact with digital interfaces and tools, and how artists adopt them via an
aesthetic of vulgarity.
–“It’s Today, Still” by Géraldine Gourbe who she examines the difficult heritage of a French identity on the current artistic scene.

216 pgs, 28.5 × 22.5 cm, Softcover, 2019,


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