
present (d)

art, design, magazines/periodicals, theorie


Present’s mission is to inspire starting by producing stories from around the world on creating, discipline and self-care, through the lens of makers and creators of today.
Cover 1 is a portrait of Hung La, founder of LUU DAN, photographed by Stanley Morgan in London.

Cover 2 is from our interview and shoot with TAREET, photographed by Pauline Scotto di Cesare in Paris.

Highlights include:

✺ A conversation with Korean-born, Brooklyn-based cook and food designer extraordinare SUEA about leaving comfort zones accompanied by photography by ERIKA KAMANO

✺ We visit the DOJO’s of jewelry artist ANNA SANTANGELO, fermentist DAVID ZILBER, route setter VOLODOMYR SANNIKOV, and tattooist DAISY WATSON

✺ Philosopher FRANK BERZBACH about the Analogue Comebackand our longing for physical presence in our world

✺ An in-depth interview with insanely talented designer TAREET, including a shoot with his family in Marseille and a fashion series in Paris, both captured by photographer PAULINE SCOTTO DI CESARE

✺ DJ GIGOLA shares her self-care tips, from health advice to morning rituals, including a deep dive into her debut album FLUID MEDITATION

✺ Thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Food and Purpose with THUY PHAM and THAO WESTPHAL, founders of DASHI DINER, shot by MARINA HOPPMANN

✺ In The Art of Touch, BROOKYLN REARDON-NIKARA meditates on her practice and growing up as an Indigenous Māori in Aotearoa/New Zealand

✺ A personal essay by powerhouse HUNG LA, fashion designer and founder of LUUDAN, writing about his journey and Asian masculinity

✺ We discover the history of denim through the eyes of the JEAN GENIE and Paris’s premier denim specialist GEORGES COHEN, captured by LISELOTTE GIRARD

✺ For FINDING MEANING IN MARBLE we travelled to Tuscany to have a conversation with world-renowned sculptors NICOLAS BERTOUX and CYNTHIA SAH

“The word REBOOT rings in my head every day. To reboot is to be aware of what you need and act on it. To reboot is to stand up again, to fail, to learn, to try again. To reboot is to brush off the past, commit to the moment, and simply begin again.”
(from the editor's note)

From Sculptors to Chefs, Fashion Designers to Economists, united in sharing their stories through exclusive essays and interviews on 300 pages in the new PRESENT Issue.


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