
fukt (d)

contemporary drawing


FUKT Magazine For Contemporary Drawing
No. 18 - The System Issue 

The latest issue in the publications’ 20-year history looks at the innately human desire to create systems and how artists across the world interpret this subject in the field of drawing. As it’s inevitable that we’ll deal with different types of systems throughout our lives, issue number 18 focuses on precisely this. Many artists create their own systems and methods; setting up rules for creating their art, sorting their materials, following specific schedules and rules, creating new worlds. In a way, such structures provide us with a framework for stretching the possibilities of our creative freedom.
The System Issue features artists who comment and question the system surrounding us, as exemplified in the blunt, political cartoons of Jim Carrey. Politics is a recurring theme which can also be found in Pablo Helguera’s satirical observations of the art system and the Captured Project’s expose of the American judicial system. Systems are also to be found in our own body movements, illustrated through the expressive body drawings by Trisha Brown and Tony Orrico – just a few of the many artists operating along the fertile ground between performative dance and drawing. Other topics are robotic drawings, neuroscience, data drawings and chess, together with extensive interviews with Julie Mehretu, Giorgia Lupi and many more.

Fukt Magazine is an annual, independent and award-winning magazine for contemporary drawing founded by Björn Hegardt in 1999 in Norway. Now based in Berlin it is renowned for its editorial, its unique selection of contemporary drawing positions and its playful design, garnering critical acclaim and accolades to become one of the leading drawing magazines today. It has previously been featured in It’s Nice That and magCulture. In 2019 it was an Independent Magazines Wood Pencil Winners at D&AD Awards 2019.

Editor: Björn Hegardt
Junior assistant: Alice Finney
Design: Ariane Spanier

Artists in #18: Judith Braun, Hanne Darboven, Julie Mehretu, Trisha Brown, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Sougwen Chung, Giorgia Lupi, Lionel Favre, Stella Geppert, Parul Gupta, Pablo Helguera, Ingrid Lønningdal, Pierre Lionel Matte, Morgan O'Hara, Tony Orrico, Bhagwati Prasad, Captured Project, Yngvild K. Rolland, Darja Shatalova, Yuya Suzuki, Andreas Töpfer, Patrick Tresset, MONOBLOQUE, Samuel Vanderveken, Victor Wong, Katrin von Lehmann, Bjarni H. Þórarinsson
Contributors writing / Interviews: Shveta Sarda, Romeao Alaeff, Martin Pfahler, Goddur

web: www.fuktmagazine.com
webshop: www.fuktmagazine.com/shop
instagram: @fukt_magazine

224 pgs, 23 × 16.5 cm, Softcover, 2019, 978-3-9820098-0-3


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