
Collection of Research on Chinese Typography

Shanghai Type, Kongquè Project, Transcultural typeDESIGN

the type

This bilingual volume (English & Chinese) of three booklets is collectively titled Collection of Research on Chinese Typography. Titled Shanghai Type: a slice of modern Chinese type history, the first booklet provides a historic overview of state-sponsored type-founding practices in Shanghai since the 1940s. Calling for a re-establishment of the Chinese aesthetic standard in typography, the second booklet Kongquè Project: restoring the mindset of Chinese typesetting excavates Chinese typographic traditions that had been forgotten in recent decades and brings them to the digital era. The third booklet Transcultural type: a dialogue from China records a panel discussion between typographers and designers, both domestic and overseas, about design contexts and strategies in an increasingly multicultural world.
The book was initially launched in English only at the 2019 edition of ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale), the world’s leading design and typography conference. Initial popularity prompted us to offer a revised bilingual edition that we recently launched online. After seeing popular local demand (print run of 2,000 so far), we also started stocking at prominent independent bookstores across China. We are starting to stock bookstores in San Francisco and Tokyo in April, 2020.


not in stock




Benjamin, Walter – A Little History of Photography

verlag der buchandlung walther koenig






revue Faire (ch)

To look at things

#46 – A calculated approach: Norm's unreasonable reasonableness



