public service.
visual culture.
print matters.
museum der bildenden künste,
katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
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(paypal accepted)
(all prices in euro)

To look at things
#50 – A Site: The Palace of Typographic Masonry
18.00 €
not in stock

Benjamin, Walter – A Little History of Photography
verlag der buchandlung walther koenig
6.00 €

Benjamin, Walter – Kleine Geschichte der Fotografie
verlag der buchandlung walther koenig
6.00 €
not in stock

To look at things
#46 – A calculated approach: Norm's unreasonable reasonableness
14.00 €
not in stock

Veronika Kellndorfer: Wild Windows Instituto Bardi | Casa de Vidro
spector books
38.00 €
not in stock

Asphalt, Steine, Scherben 2012–2024 (english Version), (Sophia Kesting, Dana Lorenz; eds.)
48.00 €
not in stock

Asphalt, Steine, Scherben 2012–2024 (Deutsche Version), (Sophia Kesting, Dana Lorenz; eds.)
48.00 €
not in stock

how to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart two days later
(philip k.dick; ed.)
17.00 €
not in stock