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katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
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(all prices in euro)
archithese reader – Critical Positions in Search of Postmodernity, 1971–1976
68.00 €
not in stock
zeitschrift für architekturdiskurs
8.00 €
not in stock
Dna #23 - Talkback Circuits: New Alphabets at School [en]
Spector books
10.00 €
Dna #23 - gegensprechanlagen: neue alphabete in der schule (dt.)
Spector books
10.00 €
not in stock
Dna #25 - The New Institution. Institutions as Practice [en]
Spector books
10.00 €
not in stock
Dna#22 - Practices of Knowledge Production in Art, Activism and Collective Research (en.)
Spector books
10.00 €
Dna#22 - Praktiken der Wissensproduktion in Kunst, Aktivismus und kollektiver Forschung (dt.)
Spector books
10.00 €
not in stock
DNA #21 sound - space - sense (en.)
Spector books
10.00 €
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DNA #21 klang- raum - Sinn (dt.)
Spector books
10.00 €
not in stock
Feminist Designer: On the Personal and the Political in Design
Mit press
40.00 €
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100 Jahre Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB
Scheidegger spiess
39.90 €
not in stock
The City as Catalyst for Architectural Speculation
Park books
25.00 €
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