
Tektonik der Erinnerung

spector books

The catalogue is published in conjunction with the first comprehensive retrospective on the work of photographer Christian Borchert (1942–2000). Borchert was born in Dresden and did most of his work there and in Berlin. His most important groups of photographs are presented in a representative selection, supplemented by the documentation of significant print and archive material. The accompanying text reconstructs the photographer’s life and work. Besides considering key clusters of his work, it also analyses Borchert’s archival practice, which had a decisive influence on his understanding of photography. This provides an opportunity to rediscover Borchert—as an author of images who engages with the world, while at the same time dedicating himself to the archive; as a cautious and precise chronicler; as a dynamic figure in the GDR photography scene and as a sceptically distanced observer of the post-reunification period. Christian Borchert: The Tectonics of Remembranceis the first complete presentation of his photographic work.

Dr Bertram Kaschek (b. 1976) is a a research assistant at the SKD’s Kupferstich-Kabinett in Dresden and has a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation


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Benjamin, Walter – A Little History of Photography

verlag der buchandlung walther koenig






revue Faire (ch)

To look at things

#46 – A calculated approach: Norm's unreasonable reasonableness



