
Moderne Architektur der DDR

Spector books

The Wüstenrot Foundation’s research project on modern architecture in the GDR takes preliminary stock of the country’s architectural heritage. It examines how this heritage was handled and looks at the challenges involved in the work of preserving it. The research covered a wide range of building projects, the aim being to create a broader, generic overview of the architectural heritage of this period. The publication brings together fifteen authors who are specialists in the field: their essays focus on the architecture of the GDR looked at through a historical lens that takes in architecture, construction technology, monument conservation, and engineering. The book considers the peculiarities and values inherent in East German architecture and reviews the approach that was taken, while presenting possible ways for preserving historic buildings. Dr Roman Hillmann oversaw the implementation of the research project and was responsible for the concept and editing of the publication.

As part of its conservation programme, the Wüstenrot Foundation restores monuments that are considered of value, thus ensuring their future. The programme is enhanced by the systematic search for new rationales that can be applied to the conservation of architectural monuments as well as the documentation and publication of such insights.


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Benjamin, Walter – A Little History of Photography

verlag der buchandlung walther koenig






revue Faire (ch)

To look at things

#49- Lawrence Weiner



