
Marguerite Duras, Jean-Luc Godard


Spector books

The three dialogues between Marguerite Duras and Jean-Luc Godard constitute a kind of parenthetical statement, an aside that opens in October 1979 continues in September or October 1980 and closes in December 1987. It is at once evidence of an in-depth relationship between the writer and film director and a self-contained story. Their second encounter took place after they had each published their reflections on cinema—Duras in her collection Green Eyes and Godard in his Introduction à une véritable histoire du cinéma. Their dialogues touch on almost all the themes that run through these books: the question of the relationship between the written word and the image, the representation of what is deemed to be beyond representation (concentration camps and incest—for different reasons), and reflections on childhood and on television. Dialogues is accompanied by an introduction, notes, and an afterword by Cyril Béghin.

Marguerite Duras (1914–1996) was a French writer, screenwriter, and film director.
Jean-Luc Godard (b. 1930) is a French Swiss director and screenwriter.
Cyril Béghin (b. 1973) is a French film critic and a member of the Cahiers du cinéma editorial team.


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