public service.
visual culture.
print matters.
museum der bildenden künste,
katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
instagram facebook
(paypal accepted)
(all prices in euro)

pulled a catalogue of screen printing
by mike parry
princeton architectural press
27.00 €
not in stock

die schönsten schweizer bücher
schweiz. eidgen. / verlag hermann schmidt
25.00 €
not in stock

the discovery of classical modernism in current graphic design
verlag die gestalten
35.00 €
not in stock

how to be the best bubble writer in the world ever
laurence king
14.00 €
not in stock

warum frauen gerne stoffe kaufen, die sich gut anfühlen (annotation)
argo books
18.00 €

a project in six parts at different locations in berlin
argo books
12.00 €