public service.
visual culture.
print matters.
museum der bildenden künste,
katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
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(paypal accepted)
(all prices in euro)
total design and its pioneering role in graphic design
unit editions
59.00 €
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pulled a catalogue of screen printing
by mike parry
princeton architectural press
27.00 €
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die schönsten schweizer bücher
schweiz. eidgen. / verlag hermann schmidt
25.00 €
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the discovery of classical modernism in current graphic design
verlag die gestalten
35.00 €
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ich / buchstabendrescher
edition patrick frey
39.00 €
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design and art with paper
verlag die gestalten
44.00 €
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open impact channel your image is our imagination
19.00 €
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vol.2 odd, obscure, and outrageous alburt art
waxpoetics / powerhouse
19.95 €
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the rise of brazilian music in the 1960s
soul jazz
24.90 €
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ein jahrhundert schrift und schriftuntericht in leipzig
blume / smeijers
stiftung buchkunst
39.00 €
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roger excoffon et la fonderie olive
bibliotheque typographique
47.00 €
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artzine ausstellung + symposium leipzig 2010
d21 kunstraum
8.00 €
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printed matter / drukwerk (3rd edition)
57.50 €
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les plus beaux livres a bruxelles et en wallonie
prix fernand baudin 2009
prix fernand baudin
19.00 €
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wonder years
werkplaats typografie / roma publications
30.00 €
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katalog der kunsthalle tübingen 1992
edition cantz
12.00 €
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written by jeffrey deitch and julia gruen
99.00 €
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how to be a graphic designer, without losing your soul
laurence king publishing
19.00 €
not in stock
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