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visual culture.
print matters.
museum der bildenden künste,
katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
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(all prices in euro)
Veronika Kellndorfer: Wild Windows Instituto Bardi | Casa de Vidro
spector books
38.00 €
not in stock
how to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart two days later
(philip k.dick; ed.)
17.00 €
not in stock
audiovisuology 2
verlag der buchhandlung walther koenig
54.00 €
2 - Kasimir Malewitsch und der Suprematismus
sammlung ludwig
19.50 €
Casablanca Art School – Eine Postkoloniale Avantgarde 1962–1987
spector books / schirn
32.00 €
not in stock
The Journey of Things (3rd printing)
45.00 €
not in stock
Glorietta Reantaso, Anita Szymczak, Isabelle Wenzel – PLAY
artpaper editions
30.00 €
not in stock
wege zur typografie (softcover)
lars müller publishers
60.00 €
Hosen haben Röcke an / Pants Wear Skirts – Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt 1984–1994
38.00 €
not in stock
Buildings and Signs 1978 - Models for Pavilions / Sculptures and Domestic Vernacular Architecture
42.00 €
Grauzone 8 mm – Materialien zum autonomen Künstlerfilm in der DDR
hatje cantz
20.00 €
not in stock
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