public service.
visual culture.
print matters.
museum der bildenden kĂĽnste,
katharinenstrasse 10,
leipzig 04109, germany
tue, thu-sun 10—6 / wed 12—8
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(paypal accepted)
(all prices in euro)
the first true post-tourism publication
#13 - AUTUMN/WINTER 2017
18.00 €
not in stock
Contemporary Poster Design from Lucerne
36.00 €
not in stock
Kunst und Mode seit der Moderne
mumok Wien
22.90 €
not in stock
Sundaayyyssss — Weekly Tear-Off Calendar
20.00 €
not in stock
Design, Revolte, Regenbogen
Hartmann Projects Verlag
39.80 €
not in stock
International fashion and culture biannual magazine
#25 - fall (viviane sassen cover)
12.50 €
not in stock
Studiengang Kommunikationsdesign der ABK Stuttgart
#22 – Repetition
10.00 €
fabulous womans magazine
#16 - autumn and winter 2017
17.20 €
not in stock
Still Life – Photographs 1957– 2017
Spector books
42.00 €
not in stock
Plakate / Posters For Musica Viva Posters 1997-2017
spector books
36.00 €
not in stock
International fashion and culture biannual magazine
#25 - fall
12.50 €
not in stock
Extending the Limits of Graffiti
29.90 €
not in stock
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